For this time post, let me share something new with you who accidently come over here. Its a kind of thing that I've never done before. A beauty review.
Every post I write about beauty review is solely based on my own opinion and experiences. All the pictures here are all my own and can't be used for any other commercial purposes. I bought all those beauty products with my own money and receive nothing as payment for this post (unless stated otherwise)
Thank you.
My first beauty product I want to share is: Balea Q10 Anti-Falten Serum
Actually, this is the very first beauty product I used from this Germany brand. We can not find Balea easily here in Medan and can only be bought from a friend who imported directly from Germany. And this friend of mine is the only person I know selling Balea products in Medan online (no offline store available). Later I found out that this brand is actually drugstore skincare products.
I have never use any kind of serum in my face before. My first reason is because every kind of serum I found is a bit pricey and I can not be sure that it will make my skin better. Then why risking too much money for stuff that you can't be sure will work right? But i decided to try this Balea Q10 Anti-Falten Serum since the price is lower, only 190k Rupiah for 30ml. At least if somehow i find this product is useless it won't be too hard for me throw it into trash bin. But I was surprised with the result!
As you can see, the bottle is quite simple with white colour combined with yellow. The pump quality is excellent that you can easily control the amount of serum you want to use. For me i just use the size of peanut to apply in my whole face. The texture is not thick and easy to absorb. The smell is also pleasant for me
I love this serum since the very first time! It makes my dehidrated skin soft and smooth, no breakout and excellent oil control. And I can see the result just within one week. But I'm not a big fan of whitening product and this serum is not for whitening purpose. But the moisturiser ingredients are so easy to absorb without any oily residue. I really like my skin right now. It looks brighter and smooth.
As you can see, on the left is my bare skin after cleaned. And on the left is my skin after I applied the serum. I took picture of it right away after applied before the serum dissapear into my skin so that you can see the difference. But after the serum absorbed completely, you won't find any residue on my skin left. I can only feel the moist in my skin and it feel smooth. I really love it.
But unfortunately, I'm going to find another brand of serum for the next month. I already bought my third bottle but I think I will not repurchase this Balea Q10 Anti-Falten Serum again since my friend who usually sells this serum is running out of stock. The time of the arriving products from Germany to Medan is so unpredictable. Sometimes, buyers will need to wait until one month or more after ordered. That means if your serum bottle is already empty while your next order hasn't arrived yet, you will not be using any serum in the meantime. Unless you buy another available serum from different brand. And if so, why bother to go back using this Balea Q10 Anti-Falten Serum again if you already find another substitute serum which actually works for your skin too? However, I really love this serum and the ingredients are all safe too, no dangerous ingredients whatsoever.
It's so bad that I'm not going to use this serum again
Lucky for you who stay in Germany and have easy access to this treasure.