"You don't love a woman because she is beautiful, but she is beautiful because you love her”

Virtually Coward

I have a story about my Indonesian blog, Blog Perempuan Rumahan. A coward has stopped by a few days ago and left a bad comment on my shout box. It was a kind of comment that mocked my capability of managing my blog, especially with the comment moderation and I was so annoyed. This coward used a weird nickname as ‘bodat’. In my traditional language (Batak), bodat means monkey. I bet this person also looks a lot like monkey also (lol). This person didn’t leave any site or email where I can reply the statement directly (so typical). This usually happens to cowards who hide behind the anonymous thing, since they can’t do that on the comment box (the anonymous part was made frozen and can’t be used to write a comment)
I have special widget that I use to write on every little thing on my mind which is not long enough to write on as an article. I give a name to this widget as “A cup of coffee”. I used to write about my mood or every little event I saw that challenge me to write an opinion about it. So, I write my answer about that on this widget.

I write about how I’m not looking for hundreds or thousands of comments on my blogs. I prefer 3 qualified comments better than 100 spam comments. And I mean it. That’s why I use comment moderation in all of my blogs. I want to maintain the quality of my blog by moderating any comments arrived. That’s my way of blogging. No wonder if some of you might experience the same thing (I reject your comment, unfortunately) due to some particular reasons, such as spam or blogwalking comments. I reject this kind of comments since I already provide a special widget for it. You can sell your products, say hi, or stuffs like that on my cbox, can't you? And leave the comment box to give a comment about my article instead.

I’m also a kind of people who dislike any negative comments on my blogs, my friends. Some people say that they want to give the same opportunity with anyone who wants to criticize their post as and still appreciate it. Well, I don’t. I want my blogs to be my sanctuary where I can find peace and everything looks perfect. I may not find this kind of place in the real life, but I want to create one on a virtual life. That’s why I have a straight standard of how am I going to maintain my sanctuary. And accepting the nice and positive comments rather that negative ones is one of those standards I made. I don’t really care about the quantity of comments but looking forward to have the qualified one. Since I love the part of making friends better than the comments stuffs, actually (lol)
Back to the topic above, I wrote this opinion on my widget to answer that person’s comment (somehow I feel that the commentator was a male instead of a female) at the same day. In the next day, I found a few lines of worst comments on my shout box. It’s a not comments, genuinely. But some sort of porn sites. I don’t open any sites of it since I know it won’t bring any good at all. But somehow I feel (once again) that these sites were written by that bodat-coward after he read my answer on the widget. This has been happened for three days and I choose to ignore it at all. I don’t even really care to delete it. I just do more blogwalking and soon find out that all those sites were hidden and buried by the new nice comments from my other blogger-friends. That’s all.

Since I realize that best way to beat this kind of people is by ignoring him at all. Make him invisible just like the wind passing by. Coward is just coward anyway. Well, that’s enough for today’s nagging, my dear friends (lol). I hope you won’t experience the same thing like I do here.

By the way, I want to say thank you very much to one of my virtual friends, Fanda, who choose this blog's template as one of her favorite templates.

I really appreciate it. And I want to say that I really love her poinsettia blog also, since the day I found it accidentally. Poinsettia always reminds me of the warmth of Christmas which I love so much. Thanks a lot, dear..

Have a nice day and happy blogging..


  1. komennya boleh pake bahasa indonesia boleh kan?

    setuju, kalo yang ngasih komen murahan dan pake nama 'bodat' adalah pengecut. kalo emang berani, knp tdk menggunakan real-name dan kasih link/URL/email id.
    lebih baik dicuekin, menghabiskan energi.
    kalo masih nge-shout di shoutbox, dibanned aja IPnya.
    mudah2an aku ga ninggalin komen dgn nick name 'bagudung'...hehehe

  2. You're right, coward is just coward...Don't waste your time...

  3. Virtually coward...right you are. I wish we could have name and url available without the anonymous option because it's annoying. Sometimes you'd like to have a dialog, sometimes it's people just wanting to spam, sometimes they want links, sometimes they're just jerks. Sounds like you experienced the later. Sorry for that. Luckily they aren't the norm.


  4. I agree with you. The best way to handle mean and negative comments is just to ignore them or delete them.

  5. Dear Mbak Risma, You are a teacher for me in writing my blog. Your articles are positive and motivating. Sometimes You write the simple things, but it made me so motivated to share only the good things in my blog. May happiness always be with you...

  6. true, experienced it too... i moderated my comments with my other blog... sis i followed you already ... you may want to exchange links with me? these are my blogs..

    In This Side of Town
    Anything Davao
    Some Things Are Free
    Woman’s elan vital

  7. Right, we never hope something like that and off course every normal blogger do something like you've done.
    Maybe he just can't speak engslish? So did'nt know what to say, and he was confused. Then said anything he wanted.
    Keep moving and Nice to see you.

  8. I kinda disagree with u sis.. Define negative comment ? negative and stupid comment are so different.
    Me personally, I take both positive and negative comments. Analyze them, search for my weakness and then strengthen myself for whatever it is they're commenting me at.
    But then again, its ur blog, ur rule and ur life, no one can mess with that ^^

    About this 'bodat' guy, I'm 125% agree with what u did. Since he mark himself as a monkey, why bother with monkey, lol..


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