"You don't love a woman because she is beautiful, but she is beautiful because you love her”

Do Your Own Nails

You don’t have to go to a beauty parlour to get your nail done while you can do it yourself at home. The only thing we need to learn is how to apply the nail polish neatly. That’s all.

What should we do to make the nail polish lasts longer? It’s quite easy. First of all, make sure that the nail surfaces have been perfectly cleaned. We can use acetone for this. Wipe the acetone with cotton along the nail surfaces.

After that, use the Base Coat. We need base coat to cover the nail surfaces before contacting with the nail polish itself.

This base coat is also preventing damages to our nails due to the chemical ingredients on nail polish. It also contains some vitamins and moisturizers to protect the nails. Base coats usually have no color a.k.a transparent. So it will not ruin your real color of nail polish. Wait till this base coat completely dried before applying the nail polish.

Then you can apply the Nail Polish, girl. You need to apply it twice. Make sure the first applied has already completely dried (at least 5 minutes) before applying the next one. Avoid applying a thick layer of nail polish since the color may look dull and may easily cracking after drying. Just apply a slight swipe twice.

When the nail polish has completely dry, you need to apply the finishing touch, Top Coat.

Choose the transparent Top Coat in order to keep the real color of your nail polish. We need this finishing touch to prevent the nail polish from cracking. It will also make your polished nails look healthy and shiny.

Anything else? Nope. That’s all. See? All we need to learn is how to apply the nail polish neatly. Beauty parlours usually provide the expert manicures to do this. But if you don’t have much time to visit beauty parlour, you still can do it your own at home. The result may not as perfect as when you get it done with the experts help, but still look good and fresh, right?

Pictures taken from: www.juliegambleshop.co.uk, www.rescuebeauty.com, www.esteelauder.co.uk


  1. I do my nails at home too Ris.. I sometimes visit the nail shop but they're very expensive here.. A full manicure and pedicure would cost me $60 plus tip...

    Nice blog sis...


  2. Long time ago when I still have time to do my own nail polish, I used to do it by myself. Just like what you wrote here.

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